September 19, 2024

Painting Day for the Liebherr Mining Truck.

LIEBHERR – Today is painting day and if all goes well by tonight all the Liebherr truck parts should be painted. I am very excited to see this monster truck get finished. It has much more detail in the front with all the ladders I like how they look.
Rimpull Drawings- Tomorrow I will start scaling up the drawings to the dia. of my offroad heavyequipment tires. It’s going to use a bunch of tires and rims with those twin trailers. But it should look awesome. I like lots of tires on machinery.
Team Campbell- Deb ran her first two mile non-stop run and I am so proud of her. Nicole entered me in the race and she also entered Deb in the race in D.C. So Deb plans on running the racewith Nicole, Bill and I on race day . She is determined to get that T-shirt along with us at the finish line.
I ran another 5K this morning and it is feeling real good when i am done. No more aches or pains. It’s still hard to believe 7 weeks ago as I sat on the couch eating chips and Pepsi that I could have known in 8 weeks I would be running in Washington D.C. in my first ever race. Something so simple as Nicole finishing her first race a few weeks ago and commenting to me that maybe I could try running with her next year in a race. That was the simple defining moment that rolled me off the couch and made me crawl to the cubboard and put the second bag of potato chips back, ha,ha,ha and start the getting healthy process. We have held off giving our junk food away but today Deb is boxing up all the Pepsi , candy and ships and chocolate that have set downstairs now for 7 weeks and taking them to the neighbors to give to them. (:>). Not sure if that is a good thing or not ?
DEB PUT IN HER TWO WEEK NOTICE- Deb was told last week by her last two daycare parents that they were looking for a larger daycare for their two boys. They weren’t sure how soon they would find one so just told Deb to hang tight.
But Deb decided not to hang tight and told them last night she was quitting Daycare in two weeks when we leave for vacation to see Nicole and Bill.
Twenty four years and 125 pre-schoolers at our house is enough . She paid her dues and now I am excited for her to finally enjoy life and not worry about little kids anymore. I told her now she could finally give me the attention I have longed for all those years, ha,ha,ha. Now she can wait on me and bring me the paper and slippers every night . (:>). Just kidding !!
I am very excited for her and thank her from the bottom of my heart for all the years she has helped support the family.
Even though from this day forward I will have to get another job and work twice as hard, it will be well worth it, ha,ha,ha. Just kidding , I think that is what welfare is for LOL
Have a great Wed.