September 19, 2024

P&H 5700 Cable Excavator 1/12th scale Dipper Bucket being built by Gaylord Resident Don Campbell.

P&H Dipper Bucket Progress- Todays picture doesn’t really look like much considering all the days and hours I have worked on it but I am pleased with the look of it so far. You can see the top brackets will join with the adjustable slides that go back and pivot on the boom section. You can also see part of the forward cable lifting bracket partially built. And last you can see the rear gate or door with the sliding bar that lifts for releasing the rear door.
So far the bucket weighs about 50 lbs. and the front teeth and bottom still have to be built . So the bucket will weigh around 60 lbs. when completed.
I will now put this aside for a while and start designing the two sliding bars and guide assemblies.
Have a great Saturday !!!!!!!!!!!!