September 19, 2024

P&H 5700 Welding Boom Progress by Otsego Co. toy builder Don Campbell .

P&H 5700 Mining News- Well it really isn’t mining news worthy, ha,ha, but to many of you following the progress on the 5700 cable excavator todays progress picture is a view from the ceiling showing I have dismantled the boom and dipper and you can see the boom is resting on two benches as i weld up the last parts on the bottom end . I should get the boom completely done today and then I will finish up working on the lower front frame parts. Tomorrow I will get going on the rear frame parts. The model looks small in this picture but there is nothing small about it , ha,ha.
I figure two weeks it will be ready for the final sanding and start painting .
Morning Running – With all that is going on with the oil spill and the poor economy in Michigan and the poor economy around the whole world for that matter, running is really a great way not to get dragged down emotionally each morning watching the depressing news.
Besides we got our best people working on all these problems so we got nothing to worry about ?? NOT , ha,ha,ha
But we really do need to try to stay positive because no amount of worrying will help, it will actually hurt because stress is not good for anyone.
Weightwatchers- Our weight loss is slow but we are not gaining anymore weight and we continue to fit in our clothes much better.
Have a great Thurs. !!