October 4, 2024

RANDY HILL, A Christian S. Georgia Peanut Farmer

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RANDY HILL, A Christian S. Georgia Peanut Farmer


RANDY HILL, A Christian S. Georgia Peanut Farmer

This is a picture Randy sent me a few weeks ago of him standing in one of his peanut fields in Southern Georgia. Randy E-mailed me asking me how to go about building a model of his peanut picking machine. He said he would send me some fresh peanuts ,and a few days ago we got a package in the mail with 6 lbs. of Georgia Peanuts in it. After Deb and I saw how much it cost him to ship them to Northern Michigan, I felt guilty . Now instead of just giving him free advice on building the peanut picker, I should just build him the picker myself, ha,ha. Thanks again Randy,
That’s pretty cool you sent them. We will try a few different ways to use them up.
The picture below this one shows me holding the peanuts in our backyard this morning in the snow. Did I mention we got some snow now, ha,ha.
HENDRICKSON PULL TRUCK PROGRESS- I got the two side cab doors attached with hinges and I am working on the front and rear walls of the cab next.