September 20, 2024

RC TRUCKS for Terak

photo[1], originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Christmas Fun – A boy who grew up very poor and only had one toy truck my whole childhood it is hard to believe we have so many toys around the house. Many times I would buy a whole RC truck like this one just to dismantle and use the wheels only for a scratch built model. I never intended to get any use out of the actual rc toy.
So it looks like all the RC toys I still have in the boxes unopened will be enjoyed by Terak after all. Most of them have been sitting on the shelves for many years waiting to be used for one of my one of a kind model projects. I bought this truck to use 6 of the wheels on a grader project.
Gaylord Snowmobile Trails on Christmas Eve –
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and only about 2 inches of snow in our backyard . So there won’t be a single snowmobiler stopping in Gaylord this Christmas weekend. We continue to get light snow and if it keeps up at this rate I should get to plow with my big tractor around spring, ha,ha.
I try to think positive and am glad for all the people who do not have to pay the high snowplowing costs so far this winter.
Cats in the Cradle by Jim Croche – There is a song that is a bout a dad that never had time for his son and his dad always said not today son , not today . As i think back now the last 30 years and think about my only daughter I am proud that I was not like that. I attended every school function, every band concert and I always set aside time every week with Nicole and Deb.
But that could have been me , because ( I )used to be a workaholic !! But 30 years ago my life changed when my sister was killed who lived next door to me. It really hit me hard and i saw how precious life was and I realized that could have been me. I have always said that something good came out of something so bad and it was me stopping to smell the roses. The last 30 years I thought of my sister and how she had so much life left to live and it was over in a instant. God gave me the chance to stop working 7 days a week and enjoy each day and I have done that. So To my sister Sandy if your looking down I want to thank you for waking me up before it was too late and we all miss you .
Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas.