September 19, 2024

Rims for Tractor completed

anewrimcenter, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Rim centers – Todays picture shows one of the four new rim centers I made yesterday .
I did not like seeing the four long bolts that held the duels on and I did not like seeing the center of the rims with all the holes in them. This new look is much better and cleaner looking.
I also removed the screens from the front hood and repainted them another coat of black.
Sealcoat driveway – Today I went ahead and got another project done on my summer list. I cleaned the driveway and resealed it . What a messy job that is. But glad to be able to check it off the list.
I also had on the list to change oil in the Ford Fusion today . I don’t drive to town and do it, I jack up the car and do it myself with premium oil and premium filter.
Have a great Wed.