September 19, 2024

Ropa Tiger self-propelled articualting beet harvester

abeetharvester, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Beet Harvest going strong- We drove downstate to see my mom yesterday and today she is getting better.
Of course I had to stop on the way home and snap a few pictures of farmers working in the fields. This was a very cool harvester and I took a cool video of it working . Now this is a slick way to harvest beets.
Bruised rib , fractured elbow and hernia- I also had the roughest day yet with my pains . My hernia has been around for 30 years from my days of being a meat cutter/ butcher. a few times a year it doubles me right over in pain but I work through it. Everyday my fractured elbow hurts and just moving the covers it is very painful. I’m fine with those pains but the bruised rib is rough as every movement hurts all day and all night.
Hey, 62 years old I know my days are numbered and instead of laying around wining about it I am up every morning on the treadmill and walking outside and then off to the workshop. I’m sure one day something else will fail and I will just have to add that to the list of my worn out overweight body.
But today I thank God for one more day and think of those folks who have it much worse than me. So if you ever see Deb and I wobbling down the sidewalk we will both give you the biggest smile and friendly wave.
We feel sad for the many people who did not reach 50 or 40 or 30 years old and are very blessed we made it to 61 (:>)
God is Great !!
Have a great Wed.