September 20, 2024

Runners World helps Don Campbell complete 50 fiveK runs in the last 55 days.

Runners World- Today is a very proud day for me as you can see in the picture Deb took this morning. I’m not so proud of wearing tights, ha,ha. actually it is a little embarrassing . But Deb says it is more embarrassing to be walking around obese, ha,ha. She is right (:>).
I got up this morning and did my morning stretches and then my ten minute treadmill warmup before heading out the door to complete the next goal I had set several weeks ago. In the last 55 days I have run 50 mornings around my 5K course around Gaylord. I have run the last 40 days in a row . It was 32 degrees and a light wind as I took off down the street this morning . The first few blocks were just ok and then after 10 blocks I started to warm up and it started to feel good. When I got to 20 blocks I was feeling great and I cranked up a little Neil Diamond on my headphones and off I moved like the wind down the side streets of Gaylord As I neared 30 blocks there was no stopping me as I knew then this 50th day was very special and a little emotional for me. As i felt my eyes tear up for a moment as I felt a little pride in what I have achieved in the last few weeks. I give my daughter Nicole the credit for her running her working so hard the last 12 months and running her first 5K a few months ago and inspiring me. She is a great daughter and I am so proud of her.
As I watch the N.Y.C. Marathon today on T.V. I look at runners much different than a few months ago. I’m not sure where this sport will lead me, but I know it is making me very healthy in a very short time.
I am also very proud of Deb as she continues to run and walk everyday working back up to more 5K’s in the spring.
Those of you who are now eating better and running and walking because of Deb and I writing about our progress here on the blog think that is just great . We all need a little inspiration sometimes from others to get us going. Even a toy maker and his wife can be a positive influence on someone.
It is not easy, we have had a lot of pain early on, but we are so glad we kept going . Everyone has their own pace that is just perfect for them. I am running at a slow comfortable pace as I continue to lose weight and build muscle. One thing is for sure I will be ready for my second race in Feb. in sunny Florida .
Before I sign off on this nice fall Sunday morning, I also want to give thanks first and foremost to God for giving me another day with Deb.
Each day i read in the paper more people who pass away before their time leaving loved ones .
Enjoy today with your loved ones and tell them you love them.
Have a Great Sunday !!!!!!!!!!!