September 19, 2024

SATURDAY IN THE PARK VIDEO – This video shows us on our spring break with Nicole and Bill around the city.

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SATURDAY IN THE PARK VIDEO – This video shows us on our spring break with Nicole and Bill around the city.

SATURDAY IN THE PARK VIDEO – This video shows us on our spring break with Nicole and Bill around the city.

We just posted another video from our Spring Break trip to D.C. this week. You can see in the above picture I was in control of the D.C. Tour Bus, LOL.
TWELVE INCHES OF SNOW – We have more snow this week than we had the week of Christmas three months ago.
I PLOWED A SECOND TIME THIS EASTER MORNING- I only plowed two times in Mar. , so now I am tied with last month. With cold temps in the forecast all next week and two days they are predicting more snow, I could plow again. I still have not wanted to put the blade or snowblower back on the tractor.
KOMATSU SUPERDOZER – Tomorrow I will get back to the shop and finish sanding parts. If all goes well, I could start painting the parts on Tues.
TEREX TITAN HAUL TRUCK- If I paint the first parts on Tues., then I will get busy on the computer and get the design worked out to be ready to cut out the first frame parts and axles on Thurs.
Thanks for the positive input on yesterday’s video , ha,ha. Hope you like today’s too,
Have a nice Easter with the ones you love