September 19, 2024

Six day Camping Trip was great !!

camping trip, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Fourth of July Camping Trip- Deb and I returned this afternoon from a great 6 day get a way to our favorite campground on the Canadian Border. Great weather, great conversations with friends , and some great boat watching. We had campfires three nights and roasting marshmallows and hot dogs on the red hot coals tasted just great. Deb and I caught up on things that have been going on the last few months while I have been living in my workshop , ha,ha. well almost. !! I really did need to spend a week with Deb and get away from the workshop . Deb really did need some quality time with me and i really gave it to her ?? Day and night , LOL
I think now she is ok with me going back to the shop !!, ha,ha,ha.
We also did quite a bit of walking and biking but we actually came back with a weight gain. We did count our weighwatcher points everyday and that did help keep most of our meals in balance. Now we can rest up and can hardly wait til this Sunday when our grandson comes to Gaylord for the very first time !! We are so excited !! I can’t wait to let him drive the John Deeres and the Waldon Loaders (:>) I’m hoping 6 months old is old enough for that, ha,ha.
Hope you all had a great fourth weekend too.