September 20, 2024

Six weeks of Training and 21 lost lbs. Just 19 lbs. to go .

Couch Potato to 5K in Eight Weeks- Todays picture shows me just returning from my fifth time of running a 5K in the last 8 days . It’s hard to believe 6 weeks ago today I was a couch potato , ha,ha.
Race day is getting real close now. I am happy with the 21 lb loss so far and I hope to lose 4 more lbs. before the race. I still now have 19 more lbs. to lose before I will really start focusing on my running time. First I got to get in shape and work on just endurance.
I am now feeling I can run farther than 5K but I want to lose more weight first and not push this old body too much yet, ha,ha.
Have a safe Laboe Day with the ones you love.