September 19, 2024

Smokey Bones Barbecue Ribs, Merriville, Ind.

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Smokey Bones Barbecue Ribs, Merriville, Ind.

Smokey Bones Barbecue Ribs, Merriville, Ind.

Here is a picture Deb took of me eating ribs at one of our regular eating places on Sat. Also a cornbread muffin. Deb had another fun day on the day after her birthday. I took her to a really cool gravel pit in Danville, Ill. and we looked at a cool NW dragline that I am going to build a model of. She didn’t comment a lot about it , but I could see her excitement , well, I could see her enthusiasm, well, I could see she was ready to leave the gravel pit after only one hour. So maybe she wasn’t as interested as I was. ha,ha. Just kidding, we were only there 55 minutes. (:>). No Really, we had a fun day together . The picture below shows Deb having fun in Danville.