September 19, 2024


Snow Angel – Todays picture shows our real Snow Angel laying in the aftermath of over 20 inches of snow in the D.C. area. Nicole was out in the snow this morning when Bill snapped this cute picture of her preparing herself for her visit next week to Northern Michigan and all our snow. This picture shows her preparing in advance in her yard making a snow angel. She said Bill was up early out shoveling and enjoying the snowstorm to it’s fullest. He is probably driving around a 5 mile radius in their neighborhood trying to find people stuck and helping them get out. He is a nice guy like that. As far as Nicole goes and the snow and such, Deb and I figured after this photo was taken , Nicole headed for the house and not to be seen outside again today as she bundled up on the couch with her warm blankets, ha,ha,
Deb and Nicole are not winter worshipers (:<:) Their idea of enjoying winter is looking out the window once a day , ha,ha.
Countdown to Christmas Day- Today we are going to buy some chestnuts. We made all the preparations yesterday for a perfect fireplace fire on Christmas Morning and all we were lacking were the chestnuts.
We bought a our yearly Christmas ham today so that is one more indication the big day is getting close now. (:>).
Hey Deb !, What’s for Supper ? Deb is making a big dish of scalloped potatos and ham tonight for supper , yum !!
45 MINUTES ON THE TREADMILL- We were both up this morning getting our 45 minute treadmill workout done. It just feels good to start the day off right .
70 days of the exact same breakfast. -For the last 70 days I have had one piece of whole grain toast, 1 teas. of real butter , one fried egg with one teas. of olive oil , and a glass of milk for my breakfast . It sounds boring but it really eliminates me having too many calories at the beginning of the day .
That holds me just fine until lunch.
HITACHI GREY PARTS NOW PAINTED- I now have all the parts that are grey on the model painted. They will dry overnight and I will start painting the orange parts tomorrow.
Paint room – My paint room is my old workshop out back behind my new workshop. It is very small and easy to heat up . I crank up the heater to about 80 degrees and the metal is plenty warm and the paint gun, paint, and the air compresor is warm so everything works great despite the cold outdoor temps. I used to paint with my 5 hp 60 gal. air compressor but the cold air in the hose made the paint not flow good. Now this small paint room air compressor is heated and works great.
CHRISTIANS – Other than in church , talking about Jesus is almost non existant in our area even as we approach Christmas Day. Only one commercial out of dozens we hear on T.V. or radio even mention God or Jesus in them. Everyone is so afraid they are not being politically correct. They all say Happy Holidays. I think Jesus and God are sad this country is afraid to say Merry Christmas . It’s just sadly the sign of the times. I even heard a local preacher this morning say Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas. If I’m wrong , I don’t want to be right (:>).
Merry Christmas Everybody from the Campbell Family !!!!!!!!!