September 19, 2024

Snow is officially gone today in our front yard in Gaylord. !!

2010 Gaylord Snowfall – This is the worst snowplowing season in Northern Michigan in 40 or 50 years. Tomorrow we are supposed to get up to 80 degrees and it is very, dry . We have a red alert warning in the area forests and no burning permits are being given for anything.
Today the temps hit 70 and I saw the last of the snow melt in our front yard.
Normally by now I go get one of my small John Deeres and sweep my lawn and the neighbors lawns . But I figure the dead thatch will keep the lawn more protected from drying out worse . Once it starts raining I will sweep it.
Hey Deb !, What’s for supper ? a cup of Double bean chili with a few whole wheat crackers and a tall glass of nice cold glass of lemon water. . (:>).
Day three running – It was 50 this morning and Deb walked and joined me about half way on my run and we walked home and enjoyed the spring weather together.
P&H 5700 parts- I should get the support brackets done tomorrow afternoon and will post the next progress picture.
Have a great Wed !!!.