October 4, 2024

Snowbucket top spill guard welded in place , Northern Michigan Snow , Bring IT !

waldonspillguard, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Fall Leaves, Pumpkins , Apple Cidar , Homeade donuts, fall Farmers harvesting crops- It has been a great fall in Northern Michigan and Deb and I have enjoyed it . This week the weather has turned cold, windy and rainy with a hint of snow mixed in. I have 95% of my to-do list done.
Todays picture shows the next progress on the snowbucket built yesterday . I cut out and welded the top spill guard in place.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Today on my to-do list is going to be fun, it is Deb’s birthday !! And to spend the day goofing off together is the best thing of all on the list !! Actually it is not on the list , ha,ha. I have so much fun with Deb and we still look forward to our days off and going for nice rides in the car and just talking about things. One of our secrets of a happy marriage all these years is we communicate so well with each other. We are 100% honest about everything and once in a while that gets me in trouble, ha,ha. We are a great team on our finances too with no credit card debt and that makes things nice. Every Friday we each get the same amount of spending money and that is even fun . I am looking forward to another fun year together. Growing old together and talking about 40 years of fun memories is great. Now we got a grandson and we are even handling being grandparents really well. In Fact, We Absolutely LOVE IT , LOL
Have a great Thurs.