October 4, 2024

Spicers Boat City , me checking out ATV with tracks

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Spicers Boat City , me checking out ATV with tracks

Spicers Boat City , me checking out ATV with tracks

 VIDEO CLIPS NO. 48 AND 49 ADDED TODAY- One shows my model waiting by a airplane and the second video Deb took of me This afternoon in our backyard showing me walking in the 5 new inches of snow we just got.  The  picture above is me checking out the atv,  I think the track equipped ATV is very cool.
If we start getting more snow , I really want to go and test drive one of these. I realize they would be much slower than my snowmobile , but it would still be interesting to drive one to get the feel of it. Not sure if they would allow them on the snowmobile trails or not. They do not let ATV’s on our trails, but this might be an exception seeing it has the tracks.
FIVE INCHES OF SNOW – With the four inches we got yesterday and just over one inch this morning, I decided to get the tractor out and go plow my accounts this morning . It’s supposed to remain cold and more snow is in the forecast for the rest of the week. I heard one snowmobile go by yesterday , but he was kinda pushing it. 4 inches of snow over warm muddy ground isn’t what I consider good snowmobiling conditions. If we get another 6 or 8 inches before the weekend, we will have a army of snowmobilers heading up north to Gaylord and the nearby snowbelt areas.
I was told a couple days ago the area Ski Resort spent $32,000.00 making snow over the holidays only to have it warm up and rain and melt it all.
Acco Grader- Plowing today kept me from the workshop all morning , but I should get started on the final body work and sanding after lunch.
Next project – This is the first time in a long time that I have not narrowed down the next model project yet. I have five orders to build but none of them have to really be done until Aug. for the National Truck and Construction Show. So I could build any of the five models next. I’ll have to decide pretty soon to start the design for it.
VIDEO CLIP AIRPLANE RIDE – We just posted the next video clip and added it too the ( videos )  section.  It shows me with Jim McFadden from Sharon Springs, N.Y. with his 1/4 scale Cat D-2 Dozer I built for him. They were at the Oshkosh Air Show and they landed at the Gaylord airport to pick up his model I built for him. We thought it would fit in the plane , but it didn’t. If we had taken it out of the box and removed the blade it might have squeezed over the top of the seats. But it was a new plane and I did not want the tracks to possibly rip the seat. It also shows me in the plane going over our house for a little plane ride. From the sky you can see a big copper roof on a building , that is the church we live across from. It’s hard to see our house or the workshop, but if you look at the end of the wing , that is our house. Thanks again Jim for the plane ride.