September 19, 2024

Spring cleanup John Deere 5400 Tractor Video, Proud To Be An American !

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Spring cleanup John Deere 5400 Tractor Video, proud to be an American !

Spring cleanup John Deere 5400 Tractor Video, proud to be an American !

JOHN DEERE VIDEO CLIP- Deb took a video again yesterday of me with the JD5400 tractor , it is in ( The Campbell Family ) section too under the videos.
Deb took this picture and a short video clip of me yesterday dumping gravel in my trailer from my lawn and the neighbors lawn after I finished sweepign them. You can see I went down yesterday and took off the snowblower and the front snowscoop and put the bucket back on. I got two more front lawns swept and loaded that gravel and thatch in the trailer too. I had a pretty good load and the the pump on the trailer really struggled to lift the box. But it did lift it and all was well with my first spring cleanup work.
KOMATSU DOZER PROGRESS- I didn’t get much more done on the model , but I did get the front cylinders sanded and primed.
God Bless The U.S.A. – There is no doubt we are in trouble these days . Marriages, Our jobs, Our finances, Our churches, and most of all, those people in D.C. on Capital Hill are a pretty messed up. But I still love living in the U.S.A. !!!!!!!!!!! I am very thankful to live here. !!!!
Have a nice Wed. GOD BLESS OUR U.S.A . !!!!!!!!!!!!