September 19, 2024

Steiner Weld Moment

aweld, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Steiner 430 Max – We have got about 2 inches of snow everyday this week if not 3 or four inches. Not enough to get out the jd 455 with the new snowblower so I have been getting plenty of use out of the Steiner. I am amazed at the power and the traction this little machine has . I never bought anything on Craigslist until last year . Then I started buying the cheap lawn tractors. One morning I looked at Craigslist and saw this Steiner advertised . It had only been on for a few hours and we were the first callers. We headed out to check it out and took my little trailer with me. It was a 1.5 hour drive but it was well worth it. I bought it at a great low price and ever since I have been looking at used Steiners and haven’t seen one even close to the low price i got mine for. So everytime I use it I feel so lucky I got it .
No room in the workshop this morning so I just pulled it in the garage and just inside the shop to do a quick weld repair on a bracket on the blade . So now i am good to go. (:>)
Have a great Sat.