September 20, 2024

Sugar Beet Harvest in Central Michigan

abeet8, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Red River Beet Harvesters- Todays picture is the view I had yesterday from one of six JD tractors down on the farm .
As tired as we were yesterday making the long drive home from D.C. we got the call from Tim and Alex that they were harvesting Beets. They both want me to build them a Beet Harvester model so i figured I better stop and take a couple dozen pictures and several videos to help build some detailed models.
SIX nice shiny John Deere Tractors and two Red River Beet Harvesters, two side dump carts and 6 nice shiny semi trucks. What a sight to see and me right in the middle of it all . I rode for a while with Tim as he pulled one of the Beet Harvesters and then I rode with Alex for a while . This is Alex’s first season pulling the beet cart and he did awesome.
I was also going to ride with Lee in the pusher tractor but we had to get going.
I asked Tim how the sugar prices were as he sells the sugar beets this week? He said sugar prices are way down but he got a big smile when i told him we ate a lot of sugar on on our vacation lol.
Now I have plenty of info to build the models in case we don’t get back down again.
A Case of the MONDAYS- Deb and I are moving pretty slow our first morning back from a great D.C. vacation.
We know summer is over and our car rides are done. Time to settle in for the winter and go back to working in the shop and building toys and time for Deb to stock up on chocolate bon, bons and get comfy watching reruns of Gone With the Wind , lol
Have a great Monday (:>)