September 19, 2024

Summer in Northern Michigan .

Northern Michigan Summer- Our upnorth weather has been about 10 to 15 degrees hotter than normal . We could use a little more rain but all in all it really has been a great summer. We moved up north to Gaylord over 25 years ago and never regretted it. It really is a slower pace of life with much less traffic and less air pollution .
Nicole and Bill are enjoying their first few days in this cooler upnorth weather too . It had been 100 degrees in their area when they left the city sp this actually feels good to them.
Aug. is not far off and the end of another summer. Deb and I accomplished a lot so far this summer and have had a little less camping trips than normal as I have been working a lot on my latest model to get it finished for deliver in less than two weeks.
If everything goes as planned by next weekend all the parts will be painted and dried and the P&H 5700 should be getting assembled for the final time. The model won’t fit in the trailer with the boom and bucket attached because the Hitachi Mining Shovel will also be in the trailer. So we will put those parts inside the motorhome along with the three other truck models.
Hope you all had another great summer weekend.