September 20, 2024

Sunday at the National Toy Show

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Sunday at the National Toy Show

Sunday at the National Toy Show

Sundays at Dyersville was always very relaxing. People took their time getting to their tables knowing Sunday was always the slowest day at the show. 90% of the serious Toy buyers had gone home on Sat. night. Sundays was mostly for the locals to come and enjoy the show without the packed crowds in the hallways. The models I brought the last three years were always picked up on Sat. afternoon and on their way home to private collections. Our table had nothing on it on Sundays but several books showing my models.So Deb and I got to stroll around the show together and look at the displays and all the tables still full of toys. No-one could leave the show until 2:00 Sunday afternoon.
I would always leave our camping spot around 1:00 and go dump the holding tanks in the motorhome at a area dumping station. When I returned I would park the motorhome out front of the school as not to get blocked in by all the vendors vehicles as they prepared to reload their toys . The last half hour we would go around telling everyone good-bye and would see them next year. At 1:55 everyone was tearing down their displays and with only 5 or 6 books left on our table , we were always in our motorhome and on the road by 2:05 . We were always very exhausted after camping in the cold weather and hearing the furnace kicking on and off for three nights. And exhausted from visiting with so many nice people. It was a lot of fun, but we were always glad to get on the road and be heading for home. Sunday afternoon we would drive to the West side of Madison, Wis. and stay at a motel near Verona. We were in heaven getting to sleep in a warm room with a nice hot shower again. The picture above shows me looking at a few toy displays outside near Tent City. Deb and I talked about the show all weekend and we agreed we missed not going. So we decided we will go again in the car as spectators and it would be a great trip. I would just deliver the models to the collectors outside and not have a table anymore. It must have meant to be that we did not go as we got 9 inches of snow and I did plow all my customers and that is the first time in the eight years of going to the National that we ever got that much snow in Gaylord. The roads are dry today even though we got a lot of snow on the ground. Deb and I are going to take off this afternoon and have fun before Mon. morning arrives again. Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love.