September 19, 2024

Terak can’t go inside their new house ?

anewhouse, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Countdown to moving day – This Friday Nicole and Bill do the final walk through inspection on their new home. Then one week from Friday they do the closing and the following Friday they move in . Nicole and Bill have taken hundreds of pictures of the whole process.
I can only imagine how exciting it would be to get to order your own house with all your own ideas.
Deb and I were married a lot of years before we even got our first brand new car, ha,ha. So we are so excited for them. They looked at many lots with used houses but the prices were so close to this one where you got everything brand new with a warranty .
As Nicole and Bill are inside so excited having a great time , Terak is off limits inside the house until it is completed. So all he has to do is hang around in the driveway just a few feet from the street with speeding cars flying by with no supervision . LOLH
Just kidding !!! , Nicole and Bill were standing by him taking the pictures, ha,ha.
He sure is growing and we are counting the days before we get to go see them and check out the new house.
Just hope there is a motel close to their new house we can stay at, ha,ha,ha.
Just kidding , Nicole already has a room picked out that is for us to live in when we come to visit . How FUN !!
More Snow for Gaylord – No sign of spring for Northern Michigan yet .
I shoveled my driveway the last five mornings but today my driveway was dry , yippee ! But too soon to celebrate too much as we got snow in the forecast for the next four days straight with 6 to 12 inches before it is all done.
April is just around the corner and we still enjoy each day God gives us even if it is a full blown BLIZZARD !! ha,ha.
Have a great Monday
