September 19, 2024

Terex RH-400 Mining Shovel assembly being done by Michigan Toy Maker Don Campbell.

O&K RH-400 – Todays picture shows the track frames now welded to the two track frames. Also the two front panels and center lift cylinder support frame structures. The track frame covers have to be cut, rounded and redone as I go back later to do the detail work. I am just trying right now to get the over all shapes built and roughly fitted together. I am working on the boom support brackets now.
MILWAUKEE SHEET METAL NIBBLERS BREAK- You can see a tool laying in the picture that is red, it is the Milwaukee nibbler I use to cut down large pieces of sheet metal. Well, it broke last night and I sure do miss it. So we ordered parts for $300.00 to repair it and also ordered a new one for $700.00 for backup. This one is 9 years old and could be getting close to croaking one of these years.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL – Today is our son-in -law Bill’s Birthday and he is the best son-in-law anyone could ever ask for. He helps Nicole so much around the house and he treats her like a princess .
He does have to put his foot down once in a while on her spending sprees and that is a GOOD thing , ha,ha.
Bill is our special gift from God for Sure. Thanks again God (:>)
for sending Bill to us !!
CELL-PHONE ELBOW- The newest Hi-Tech ailment is called Cell-phone Elbow. People are now complaining of aching elbow joints from holding cell phones so many hours a day everywhere they go.
THANKS TO THE CHINESE – We ordered Chinese Food to go today for lunch to give thanks to those wonderful people from China who continue to keep the U.S. going . Now they have bailed us out once again by taking over part of our U.S. auto Industry. Without them, this country would have collapsed over two years ago. (:>).
The good news is in the coming months and years ahead the Chinese will take over more and more of the U.S. auto industry in partial payment for the trillions of dollars we owe them. The Hummer deal was just our first interest payment we owe them. (:>).
The Chinese have been putting a lot of pressure on the U.S. lately for their first payment . This must have been it !
Todays it was announced that yet another month of another half a million or more new job losses in this country. So don’t go out and buy that new Lamboughini just yet, ha,ha.
THE GOOD NEWS – Many people died this week that had no idea they would not be here today . The good news is WE are the lucky ones and still here today and God has given us this one more day to enjoy !!