September 20, 2024

Terex RH-400 Mining Shovel Side Panel being fitted in place by Welder Don Campbell .

O&K TEREX RH-400 Front Shovel- Todays photo shows me holding up the left side panel of the revolving structure of the 1/12th scale shovel model. Next I am working on the right side panel and I will then bend the rear sheet metal and fit it all together . You can see the left side has three seperate panels fitted together along with a access door and a side cooling opening.
ICE IN THE WATER BUCKET THIS MORNING – Deb and I were up walking outside at 6:00am again this morning and we saw ice in the bucket . It was in the upper 20’s in spots this morning, brrr. That sure seems to wake us up , ha,ha.
Diet Progress- It doesn’t look good ! , now that I don’t do lawn work or landscaping anymore , just standing in the workshop making toys just doesn’t seem to burn off any calories. Looks like I am stuck in this bigger body forever , ha,ha. But we still enjoy walking everyday and know it is good for us and we still share meals to cut calories and we try to count daily calories and stay under 2000 a day , but once you gain the weight, you really have to work at it to get it off. People used to tell us they hardly eat anything and they can’t lose weight, well, now I am starting to believe them.
So we will just enjoy each day in moderation and have fun and not let it get us down.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL TODAY – The kids are officially out of school today at 10:00am.
And Deb has tomorrow off so she is probably going to stay in bed all day and I am probably going to wait on her all day and praise her for being such a wonderful soul mate. (:>).
TWENTY THOUSAND NEW JOBS FINALLY- Things are finally looking up , with over 12 million Americans now out of work , Wal-mart announced today they will be hiring 20,000 people at minimum wage for 20 hours a week , that is 5 days a week , 4 hours a day and no benifits to work for them. Oh YEA !! The folks on Wal-street were right, the worst is over , ha,ha.
Have a GREAT THURSDAY !!!!!!!!!