September 19, 2024

The Melting Pot Restaurant

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The Melting Pot Restaurant

Cheese Fondue in Reston, Va. This picture shows Deb and I dipping bread in the melted cheese Fondue. It was excellent.

The Melting Pot Restaurant

Last Day at Nicole and Bill’s- This picture was from last night as Deb and I enjoyed another fun memory with Nicole and Bill.


I’ll have to say I love the new webpage and how it can be changed much easier than the old one. Once I get home I will begin to look back at more past photos that were my favorites and add them to the new webpage. I have already added close to 100 pictures that were not on my last webpage permenently. So be sure to check through each section to see pictures from last year or the years before that.

Thanks again Nicole for getting mom and me back in 2006 time period, ha,ha. I also love the new fast connection!! I just might have to buy me a laptop too, Deb and Nicole love their new I-pods , I bought Deb a speaker base station for hers and it is very cool. (:>). Cat 60 Diesel Tractor Progress- The parts are all painted, the decals are all made, just a little detail painting the day after we get back and the final assembly will go fast. Thurs. afternoon or evening I will post the finished pictures of it.

Michigan Scraper- I will work most of this weekend on the scraper and by the following weekend it should be all roughed in.

IT HAS BEEN A GREAT VACATION!! We made more fun memories that we will cherish until we see Nicole and Bill at Christmas. I want to say thank you to all of you that have sent nice E-mails to me and to Nicole letting us know you really like the new webpage. I had my days this summer again when I wanted to shut it down for good. Nicole’s hard work on the new one and her showing me how to maintain it restored my excitement again . Nicole , you are a great daughter! Thanks again !!