September 19, 2024

The Old Days in Alma, Michigan

aplowingmemory, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

4×4 Coot – Tomorrow is the funeral for my ex brother in law. My sister and her three boys lived next to us for 10 years. We had so many memories there until she was killed . Life changed in a hurry as he remarried just a few months later. Her three young boys moved out and had to grow up fast. One boy moved in with us for a while. I loved helping Al on the farm and I enjoyed jogging with my sister on the country roads. Nicole was just a baby and was close to my sisters little boys and they all loved Nicole.
Deb and my sister Sandy were born on the exact same day and the same year.
Deb found this snowplow picture today and it brought back many memories from many years ago showing their farm house next to our house.
We moved to Gaylord because it was hard not seeing my sister or her boys anymore. I always believed something good could come out of something bad.
It took many years to happen but Nicoles Bill came along and fell in love with our only daughter and they have such a wonderful marriage and now a wonderful little boy.
Had we not moved to Gaylord that could never have happened, so something good did come out of such a sad time in our lives. Sorry to ramble on but I am feeling sad thinking about the fun times long ago. And now Al will be buried tomorrow. It is another reminder for us to enjoy each day God has given us .
Have a nice Wed.