September 19, 2024

Think Snow as Don Campbell sits on his snowmobile with the Mackinaw Bridge behind him.

donmightymac, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Hot or Cold ?- It’s funny how people are , either it is too hot , too cold, too wet or too dry. As hot it has been in Northern Michigan and as much as i enjoy plowing snow this wintery photo of me at the Mackinaw Bridge does not make me wish it was today. The problem with the snow is for us it lasts six months and that is way too long.
So we’ll just stay in the shade and feel a nice breeze off the lake and enjoy the heat as long as we can.
WORKSHOP CLOSED – With all this heat all my neighbors have their windows open early in the mornings and I don’t want to use my air tools or grinders or hammer , etc. and ruin their summer. After lunch it is so hot I feel ill welding so I just got to wait until things cool off in the 70’s again. Deb isn’t complaining now about me working too much, ha,ha. In fact, she is saying to me she thinks it feels cooler today so i’ll stop bugging her, LOL
Hope your all having a great summer too !!
Don’t be a fool , stay cool !