October 4, 2024

Toy Train and Nicole getting ready to go for a ride at Birch Run Railroad.

trainandnicole, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Northern Michigan Railroad- Todays picture shows Nicole at about 3 years old at Junction Valley Railroad south of Saginaw. Deb and I took Nicole their to ride the train a few times. She loved how the ducks would run beside the train aqlong side of us for a few minutes. It brings back a lot of fun memories with Nicole as a little girl. I still remember going there and leaning down and looking under the train and looking inside the cab wondering if I could make something like that someday. I posted this picture on my webpage about four and a have years ago because I thought Nicole was so cute . Today I ran across the picture and thought it was a perfect picture related to my current train project. The picture also reminds me of how fast time has passed by and this month Nicole will be starting a new life with her little boy Terak who will be born soon.
The best thing about looking back is we have very few regrets. We always spent quality time together and did so many fun things . Now Nicole can remember those things and make new fun memories .
FIFTEEN DEGREES – Brrrrrr- The coldest air from Canada is here but we are not getting much snow . Lake effect snow is just missing our area. Still not good snowmobiling in our area.
Train Progress- Busy working on the wheel truck assembly parts again today.
Have a great Tues. !!