September 19, 2024

Toy Truck Model , Don Campbell’s completed Berliet 700 Oilfield Truck weighing over 30 lbs.

MY LATEST CREATION – Todays picture is one of 6 finished pictures I just posted of the Berliet Oilfield Truck Model. There are 5 more pictures in the truck section under photos. In the background you can see the sun has melted the snow in this spot . But today it looks much different , ha,ha.
SPRING SNOWSTORM- I was up this morning starting up the tractor and plowing 5 inches of heavy wet snow with no frost left in the ground. So it is a muddy mess. Now it is very easy to dig up peoples lawns . But I’m happy to say I had no divits today , yippee !!
Everyones lawns had no plow damage from me today. (:>).
DEB SAYS – NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to having another baby (:>).
Deb and I had a family meeting and SHE decided it would be best not to pusue that any further, LOL
CRUISE SHIP- Nicole and Bill just returned from a week on a cruise ship . This is their fourth cruise and they are going to Alaska this year too on another Cruise. She wants us to go with them on a trip, but after she told us the cruiseship was rocking so much in the high waves that the swimming pool water was coming out the sides of the pool , we said , NO THANKS !! They even had a ice skating rink on this ship.
We don’t like flying and we don’t like bobbing around in the ocean like a cork , ha,ha.