September 19, 2024

Toy Trucker Article showing Tom Gaspardo’s Awesome Cat Collection .

Cat Museum – We got a phone call last week from Tom Gaspardo and his brother Jr. They said that the folks from Toy Trucker and Contractor Magazine came and did a nice article in their toy museum. Here is a picture of Tom showing just one small area of the very nice organized museum. The last time we stopped at their house the museum building was just done being built. The pictures sure look like they did a mighty fine job of displaying everything.
Tom bought the big Cat 994D loader in 1/12th scale I built a few years ago. That was one of my favorite models I ever built. Tom also has the one of two Cat D-11R’s I built a few years ago and the big Cat grader that you can see on the top shelf in the picture.
Mark Dornbush lived down the road a few miles and Mark’s museum was another jaw dropping place we visited several times.
Mark had a few of my hand built farm toys that he wanted me to build for him. Sadly Mark passed away and his collection has been auctioned off.
Great looking museum Tom and Jr. !!!! And great article in Toy Trucker Magazine !! Next time we are in your area we will stop in and spend the night and get some pumpkin pie (:>).
P&H 5700 tracks – I am busy again today working on the first parts for the second set of tracks.
Have a great Monday !!