September 19, 2024

Tractor Cab Lights Installed

anewsetoflights, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

John Deere cab lights- Todays progress picture shows the Lexan now bolted in the new windshield frame. You can also notice the overhead visor I made is painted and attached. Now i am working on the light package. 11 lights should brighten up the winter nights for me to play in, ha,ha. I chose 4 overhead lights , 4 side cab lights , 2 rear red lights and a compact size strobe light. Before i am done I am sure I’ll add one rear backup light. I am very pleased how the old cab looks today compared to how it looked laying upside down in the tall grass completely filled with leaves, pine needles , water and ice. This is a investment for me knowing later on when i sell this unit it will sell for more money . People want a cab if they are blowing snow. But for now it isn’t going anywhere because this is getting set up for Terak and me to spend some quality time together moving snow . Even if we have to move the same snow back and forth in the yard we will do it , LOL
Have a great Monday !!!