September 19, 2024

Umberto Acco Italian Grader : blade assembly in place

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Umberto Acco Italian Grader : blade assembly in place

Umberto Acco Italian Grader : blade assembly in place

This picture shows the roughed in blade assembly on the big Italian motorgrader. You can see the two rear steering cylinder flopped forward in the lower right of the picture. This angle doesn’t reall show very well the large size of the 33 foot blade. I am now working on the final building of the front and rear engines. I really like the unique look of this monster grader. I had mentioned a few weeks ago when I started this model that the tires have been the main problem I did not build it. I just finally decide to go with this tire style that I did have. Having to use 12 of them, I knew I would not find any others. I think when it is completed and painted, these tires won’t look that bad. I am actually getting to like how they look on it.
VIDEO CLIP NO. 47- We added the next video clip to the ( videos) section this morning. It shows the 1/4 scale Cat D-2 Dozer model with the side mounted fuel tank sitting on the kitchen table. It shows me sliding the blade into postion and into the cylinder tubes for the last time for the final assembly.
SNOWMOBILE SNOWCROSS RACES – A week from today is our next scheduled winter event in Gaylord.
If we get 12 to 15 inches of wet snow in the next few days , they could haul in snow from around town to the fair grounds and build the snowcross coarse. They have done that before and it worked in a pinch .
DIET PROGRESS- Deb and I slacked off on our exercising and on our healthy eating over the holidays, it was great fun with no regrest. They say the camera makes a person look bigger, but I’ll have to admit, I did get bigger the last few weeks, ha,ha.
I am back to walking on the treadmill for the fifth moring and Deb and I been walking three miles a night outside the last three nights.
Along with healthy choices and counting calories I should have that perfect body back in no time, LOL. Just kidding, I know those days are over, ha,ha. I accept my obesity and know I am just a healthier obese guy, ha,ha.
Next week I will finish the Acco Model , it will take a full day to take it all apart and do the final body work and sanding. Tues. I should get it primed and the first coat of paint on the parts.
I am now unsure about the next project. I now have four possible choices I may build next. All of them look like great machines to build a model of.
NEXT VIDEO CLIPS- The video clips will be of us at our farm neat St.Louis, Michigan and the one of me in the airplane with Jim McFadden from upstate N.Y. Another clip will be of our trip to Kentucky to see Jason Hassert and his tour of the largest farm in Kentucky.