September 19, 2024

Waldon rubber tired dozer

waldonbackyard, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Mini articulating machines- Todays picture shows me doing what I enjoy most but this winter I am enjoying it even more getting access to the backyard.
Christmas in D.C. – It was our best Christmas in 31 years . Even though we had a downsized Christmas and we exchanged smaller gifts and less gifts than ever before as we sat looking at Nicole’s new baby boy it brought back so many memories for Deb and I when Nicole was born. Terak was not involved much in the Christmas present exchange , well I guess it is safe to say he was not involved in it at all , ha,ha. But maybe next year (:>).
Live, love and laugh more in 2011- Seeing this innocent little baby and knowing all the issues in the world sure makes a person think about his life. It just breaks your heart thinking of what a different world it is today than when we were young. This country has been going in the same direction for the last 40 years and there is no stopping it. It’s like a snowball rolling down the mountain side and as it rolls it continues to get larger and larger and go faster and faster . We all know eventually it is going to crash at the bottom of the mountain. For the last 40 years I have worried about that and for what. ? All my worries made no differance except to take some happiness from me. These days I continue to worry about that snowball wondering how many more years before that snowball reaches the bottom of the mountain. I guess now it’s just because I am old and my life is almost over . I’m sure somehow , some way this old world will survive . But in the meantime my New Years resolution will be to start training again for a 5K race with Nicole next summer and try not to worry about things out of my control , I also want to live a little more, laugh a little more and and love that baby a lot more. But above everything my first New Years Resolution for 2011 would be rekindle a stronger personal relationship with God again. If I could accomplish that all my other issues would seem so small.
Those of you who are not Christians you are still my friends. Jesus loved everyone and that means Everyone !
Thanks all of you all over the world for continuing to visit my webpage and write nice e-mails about my model building and my family.
God Bless You
Don, Deb, Nicole , Bill and Terak