July 3, 2024
East Coast Storm for Nicole and Bill

East Coast Storm for Nicole and Bill


East Coast Snow Storm, 8-10 Inches

Bill was up early this morning eager to fire up the John Deere but he had to wait until Terak got up to share in the excitement of the fresh snow. But in today’s picture, it looks like Terak was more interested in making tracks in the snow with his feet than riding with daddy on the John Deere, haha.

Bill is just like me when a snowstorm is coming. We don’t mean two lousy inches or 4 inches, we mean 8 to 12 inches of snow at a minimum. Now that is exciting!

It is so funny to see these people down south act like they are so tired of winter when the next day it is 50 degrees and two days later the snow is GONE!!  I understand the slippery roads and their frustration of the cities not putting salt in advance on just the main freeways but I will never feel sorry for them thinking it has been such a rough winter, haha. We have the same snow from Dec. 1st on top of the grass and 140 inches on top of it that has never melted. It is rare we really complain about it. (:>)

Plow Truck

We keep getting an inch here and there of snow and then the city plow goes by plowing the snowbanks back throwing a big pile of snow in everyone’s driveway. The plow truck has been great and very handy as I just drop the plow right out of the garage and 5 minutes were off to get the mail with a clean driveway. I have not even removed the plow this winter, which is a first!  More snow for us this afternoon, yippee !!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy !!

Have a great Thurs.