September 20, 2024

What’s Better Than Spring Break ?

dadterak6, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Forget your troubles and get Happy – We live in such a crazy world these days it is hard not to be worrying about something going on somewhere . And we really have a right to have those thoughts as we think of us and our kids and grandkids. Springbreak is always a nice little break from Northern Michigan snow and a break from watching TV. But this year Terak is keeping us distracted from world issues as he keeps us entertained every minute he is awake. What a refreshing few days it has been watching him so innocent and happy and getting so much love from Nicole and Bill and Deb and I this week. Deb and I have enjoyed Daycare kids in our home for 25 years. Several of them came to our house for 7 or 8 years and were like Nicol’s little brother and sisters. They often went out for supper with us and sometimes on vacations with us. Those day care kids kept us feeling young. I always enjoyed telling them funny stories and making them laugh . The daycare kids have been gone now for a couple years and we had empty nest syndrome for the first time.
So being with Nicole and Bill’s baby it is giving us even more joy than ever. He is so sweet !!! This is the bestest spring break ever !! (:>)
Have a great Wed. !!