September 20, 2024

Worlds Biggest Grader, Acco from Italy

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Worlds Biggest Grader, Acco from Italy

Worlds Biggest Grader, Acco from Italy

I want to thank Keven Kenny again for also helping me with the upcoming Acco 12 wheeled Monster Grader project that I plan to build this winter. A couple years ago a fellow E-mailed me from Italy with a few pics of the grader with his little boy next to it. He said he lived about 15 minutes from where it was parked. I have not forgot about building this awesome looking , unique looking grader. This is on the top five list of this winters models to be built. This is a cool picture of the grader inside the building where it sits.
Cat D9-G Dozer Progress- The track grousers are now all welded to the track pads and the tracks are on the track frames. Now I am starting to build up the frame towards the floor of the machine. By tonight the floor should be in place and the rear fuel tank should be welded together and mounted to the rear of the frame.
LETOURNEAU L-1800 Loader Progress- None, but tomorrow I will spend the whole day doing the final assembly , putting the windows in the cab, detailing it and putting on the decals. So Thanksgiving Day I will post the completed LeTourneau Loader Model if all goes well.
GAYLORD WEATHER- 39 inches of snow so far, but the weatherman is saying above normal temps for the next few days. Our snow on the ground is almost gone , it’s hard to believe we have already got 39 inches with very little left on the ground.
I may have to get the Corvette out one more time this year and go do a little cruisin with my special girl, Deb . (:>)
We were dating when we went and bought the first Corvette, and now 6 Corvettes later and 34 years later, we still have a lot of fun together in it.