September 20, 2024

5:00am me shoveling the driveway

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5:00am me shoveling the driveway

5:00am me shoveling the driveway

We have recieved 30 inches of snow in the last 7 days. We got 4 more inches over night so I plowed for the fifth time in the last 7 days this morning . It’s not a problem though, everyone is used to lake effect snow storms and by 9:00am each day things are back to normal . We have a army of snowplow drivers that work most of the night all over town. The county and city workers do a excellent job of plowing the roads.
The above picture shows me with one of my three push scoopers I use to shovel my driveway. They work very well for moving large amounts of snow by hand. I usually just move it to the edge of the driveway to get some morning exercise and then I return later with the tractor and blow it out of there.
Cat D9G Dozer Progress- I been slacking off in the shop and playing on the snowmobile and in the tractor too much lately.
I could spend a little time in the shop after lunch before Tom and I go snowmobiling . Once the tourists arrive tomorrow on their hundreds of sleds, we tend to stay off the trails more on the weekends. We go out to the farm where Tom used to work and stay off the trails. They get pretty chewed up fast.
The picture below shows me returning from a short ride on the sled this morning.