September 20, 2024

Snowmobiling in the Gaylord Alpine Village

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Snowmobiling in the Gaylord Alpine Village

Snowmobiling in the Gaylord Alpine Village

This picture is of Tom and I , we had a fun ride on the sleds. This was Tom’s first ride on his Ski-Doo this year. The trail was very good, but off the trail the deep powder went everywhere on the guages, seat, etc. You couldn’t even see unless you slowed down below 80mph, ha,ha.
We went out to the hills north of town and after we made some tracks all over the place , then we had fun flying up and down all the hills and through the trees. Today the sun is shining so it might help settle some of the snow. I’m sure hundreds of snowmobilers downstate are packed and ready to head north today to get their first weekend of riding in for the season. I got my sled out and I will go for a little ride after lunch . It’s still pretty fun , I still am amazed at the power and quick speed that little ski-doo has, especially hauling a heavy load like me , (:<).
SIXTY-FIVE INCHES OF SNOW- So far we have got 65 inches of snow in Gaylord. Hopefully it will stay around the freezing mark and won’t melt for a while. We got 2.5 inches of snow again last night and I was out nice and early shoveling the driveway again. But it wasn’t enough to get the tractor out. This afternoon I got to go down and clean up the tractor from the slush on it from yesterdays sloppy roads. I like to keep it cleaned off because of all the salt that splatters on it. A lot of machinery in this area is all rusted out from using it in the salt and not washing off the salt. The salt really ruins machinery in a hurry.
I try to heat up the shed and clean up the tractor every other storm. And it has paid off. The tractor is 8 years old and still looks like new. It is used very little in the summer months. 95% of its use in in the winter on the salty , sloppy roads.
Cat D9-G Progress- The first blade parts are welded together. Plowing snow five days this week put me behind or I would have finished the dozer today. By Tues. I should be doing the final sanding and priming the parts. Wed. and I should be painting it Wed.
I need a break from the toy building once in a while , especially if it means playing in the snow on the tractor and the snowmobile.
I better go now as I got a snowmobile that needs a little attention and the sun is shining calling me to the trails. LOL.