September 20, 2024

Nicole working on more Videos for my webpage

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Nicole working on more Videos for my webpage

Nicole working on more Videos for my webpage

Taking video off a Camcorder and downloading to the computer is a slow process. This picture shows us deciding what clips to add to the webpage.
Taking clips from the small digital camera is much easier , so from now on we will use the small camera for the most part. We added another snowplow picture this morning of me with Tom in the plow truck . We also added more pics from the mine with James. Hope you like them.
Deb and Nicole just left to go shopping, yes, you read that correctly, more shopping, ha,ha,.
I am pretty well shopped out , so i will putter in the shop a little on the Acco Grader . As I get it father along, I will take a video clip of it to show everyone. Our weather is still mild with no snow . Sure glad I got to ride the snowmobile a couple weeks ago.