September 20, 2024

Liebherr R9800 Mass Excavator Bucket parts in 1/12th scale.

Liebherr R9800 Mass Excavator Bucket parts in 1/12th scale., originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Liebherr Bucket- Todays picture shows the first parts cut out for the bucket . You can see I have drilled the pilot holes in each part for later drilling larger holes.
Berliet French Oilfield Truck- This afternoon I will finish detailing the interior and attach the windows, then attach the cab roof for the final time.
ICE IN GAYLORD , SCHOOL DELAY TODAY- Deb got to sleep in two extra hours today because of a ice storm. The Gaylord Schools announced a two hour delay hoping the ice would melt when the sun came up. And it did (:>). Although Deb was up at her normal time, she got a quieter start to the morning .
DEB’S NEW BABY PROGRESS- I always post my model progress so I better post Deb’s progress with the daycare baby. The last two weeks baby Ryon finally graduated . He is now been converted to a nice little daycare baby.  ha,ha.
Now he is all smiles to see Deb everyday , five days a week . He is a nice little baby.  He is happy to see Deb and that is good.
We had one mom quit coming to Deb because her baby liked Deb more than her. ?? So I think she took her baby to a daycare that didn’t like her baby, ha,ha. ? Duh ?
Seventy -nine days – Today we have been counting calories for 79 days. Surprisingly we are still fat. Once the fat sticks to your body, it won’t come off. You have to almost melt it off by running and sweating profusely ! We need to start doing that tomorrow, LOL
Outdoor walking- We checked out the sidewalks last night and we see many still covered with several feet of snow hills from the snowplows. But we did find one direction we could go so the first nice evening we get now, we are heading out with our I-pods and getting some fresh air. We still walk everyday on the treadmill.
RED MEAT ? NOT GOOD ? – The news is now saying no red meat , only white meat. We now got a fresh stocked freezer full of Rib eye steaks and Beef Tenderloins and only one chicken , ha,ha.
We got to have a family meeting to see if we keep it or throw it out, LOL.
ENJOY THIS TUES. GOD HAS GIVEN US – Everyday I continue to see on the TV and read in the paper people dying at a young age . I know they did not plan it that way . Even if you don’t believe in God, be sure to enjoy today (:>).