September 20, 2024

Liebherr Excavator right side panel Construction

Liebherr Model Progress- Todays picture shows the right side panel after a lot of cutting and filing with the plasma cutter and the file. Once all the openings were all nice and smooth, I welded all the screens on. Now I am working my way around the front closing in the center swivel frame.
MORE SNOWSTORMS IN THE NEXT WEEK- With a 5 inch snowstrom heading to Gaylord tomorrow and three more in the forecast for all next week , no sign of spring in Otsego County.
So we’ll add up the snow totals next weekend and see if we hit 200 inches after all. It will be real close. (:>).
AMERICAN IDOL- The viewers and judges made a the right choice last night getting rid of the next singer. The top five are Really Good and the other three are pretty good. I think the judges already have the top two picked out at this stage of the competition .
COUNTING CALORIES – Deb and I continue to walk on the treadmill and count calories , but we are really get sick of the cold , snowy weather. We honestly do live in 6 months of winter in Gaylord , Michigan. When we think back to Halloween and the first snowfall and we still have piles of snow since last Nov. that have not melted , it really is a long , long winter. People in Mid-Michigan complain about the winters and that is where we go to take a break. Ususally when we go to Alma or Mt.Pleasant or Lansing , they have no signs of snow and we think it is great !!
SPRING BREAK !! – Deb has one more day with the kids and she gets a whole week off . So she can sleep in and sit and watch soap operas and eat chocolate bom,boms all week, (:>)
She really deserves a nice break, they are nice little kids , but it really is a lot of work.
It’s always funny that after that week, the first day the kids come back , the parents are always here really early to drop them off. Almost like they need a break from the kids, ha,ha.
NEW AUTO BUYING INCENTIVES ?????????? The new auto incentive is stupid , if you think you will be losing your job , they will pay several of your payments while you find a new job. Duh ??
Trust me , if you lose your job, there isn’t any new jobs !!! It was just announced this morning on the news that last month ANOTHER SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND !!!! people lost their jobs !! Too bad they didn’t all buy a new car last month on this new incentive ?? (:<).
Have a Great Thurs. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!