September 20, 2024

Liebherr Excavator Progress , front sheet metal and front stairs.

Liebherr R9800 – Todays progress shows the front sections of sheet metal now cut and attached to the frame. You can also see the front stairs and railings bolted in place and the top two platforms and railings started . The next step is to close in the back of the frame and then I will work on the top closing it in .
DHS TOY SHOW IN CLEVELAND- We just found out this week that several of the toy collectors that buy my toys won’t be going to Indy this year. So we have changed our plans now and will not be going to Indy either. Instead we will be heading to Cleveland to the DHS Toy Show/ Open House in July. We will be bringing several of my big models to this toy show instead.
And the best part is they serve free hot dogs , umm !!
I’ll have to check to see if I have to pull any new permits to haul this heavy equipment through Ohio, ha,ha.
SNOWPLOWS WORKING IN GAYLORD TODAY – I just saw the Gaylord City Snowplows go flying by our house plowing snow. It has been snowing since we got up this morning . We got three inches of new snow so far and it is still snowing pretty hard. We have four more days of snow in the forecast so it is looking pretty good for us to hit 200 inches of snow this winter.
MICHIGAN SUCKING SOUND- Well, tonight hundreds of families will be heading south to Florida for spring break from Michigan . Each year at this time we can hear a giant sucking sound as the masses leave Michigan all at once, ha,ha.
SUZI ORMAN SAYS – We saw Suzi Orman on Oprah last night and she predicted this economic crash two years ago but no-one would listen to her. She said there is no quick fix either . 2015 is when she says things will start to get better again. She said this is just a lack of common sense that caused this to happen. Only common sense money management will fix it.
Have a Great FRIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!