September 20, 2024


Boyne Mountain – Yesterday Deb and I headed out in the Corvette for our third cruisin day . It was warm and sunny and we already had our first three mile walk done.
We headed to Traverse City again and had our favorite lunch and we got some new walking shoes and Deb bought me a Birthday Present at the John Deere Dealer , (:>). I will post a picture of it on my Birthday.
This is a very special Birthday Present because it represents the very first model I ever tried building. That attempted model still sits on a shelf and I am reminded of how crude and rough it looks and how embarrassed I have been to even ever post a picture of it on my webpage. But over the years I slowly made progress to get a better looking finished product.
I remember very clearly how excited I was the day I began to build that first toy, I had it all figured out in my head and how it would look just like the real one when it was done . But as the day went on , things were not looking good at all.
But I kept going , for a couple more hours and I finally saw it was just not meant to be . It really looked BAD , ha,ha.
But I was wise enough to know that the passion inside of me was not the problem, instead it was the crude tools I was using that was the problem.
Over the years I have been able to buy a few more tools and my thoughts are now transformed in steel much better these days. (:>) There are still several tools I would love to have to make my models even nicer, but it all takes time.
I remember back trying to be a Christian the first time and sharing that with other people. The things I said to expert Christians were very crude and I’m sure they looked at me thinking, he could never be useful to God with what little he knows.
But I knew inside I had the passion For God but I did not have the tools. All these years later I still have such a passion for Jesus and wanting that perfect relationship with our father in Heaven. But I struggle finding the right tools to perfect it.
So as I sit here at the computer today and think of the dozens of e-mails I have recieved from all over the world about my little Christian messages , I guess these are the simple crude tools God has given me on my little crude webpage called Doncampbellmodels. (:>).
It really is the greatest feeling for me to think maybe I could help just one person see that being a struggling Christian like me is ok.
I finally realize this is how God made me for a reason and if I did not struggle each day , I would not share it. And if I was a perfect Christian I could have even possibly discouraged other non Christians like some of the perfect Christians have discouraged me over the years. (:>).
Less is more is my motto in life , even though I have not memorized the Bible and I can’t answer many Christian questions, the little messages God gives me reaches 160 countries around the world and that is truely a miracle in my eyes !!
As a Christian I know am still very crude and my words are very crude but the Holy Spirit inside me is stronger than ever !! (:>).
Thanks again to all of you for your kind resposnes .
Be sure to enjoy this one more day God has given us and be sure to tell your family that you love them.
My dad never told me he loved me even once my whole life and it would have meant so much to me now that he is gone.
Kids really do need to know they are loved by thier mothers and Fathers BOTH.
I E-mail Nicole Everyday and always tell her I love her very much and several times a week I tell Deb I love her too , I will not make the same mistake my dad made. (:>).