September 19, 2024

Otsego , County , Gaylord , Michigan legalizes ORV’s on County Roads.

ATV’s and ORV’s , golf carts- The country roads are going to be busy with thousands of offroaders this summer in Gaylord , Michigan . Today on the local radio station it was annouced it was passed last night . There are still details to be worked out in the next three weeks
but it will soon be legal to operate these vehicles on designated country roads.
RAIN RAIN – Monsoon season is here , ha,ha. It has poured for two days and now the forest fire threat in Gaylord is very low. Just last week it was very high in the red zone. And a small forest fire was put out near Gaylord last week.
Terex RH-400- Today I am welding together the boom and the stick and the clam bucket .
GM going under – Regardless of the job losses , GM needs to do more than just file bankrupcy !, now the Union gets 25% ownership , duh ? As much as I love my country and served my country during the Vietnam War, This is just a poor investment and I am thinking more than ever to support the Toyota assembly plant in the southern U.S. These people know how to run a automotive business and will be around much longer than GM.
I doubt very much the big three will be owned by the U.S. in just three more years. Very Sad.
Have a great Wed.