September 20, 2024

Don Campbell checks out this cool Lima Crane at the Soo .

Deb’s first day off of summer – Well, here it is noon and Deb is still in bed enjoying her first real summer day off with no pre-schoolers.
I have been trying to work in the shop in between waiting on Deb.
First she wanted a full coarse breakfast, I was fine with that, then mid morning she rang the bell I gave her and wanted fresh donuts with lots of chocolate on top of them and hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream on top.
As I sit here writing I hear the bell ringing loudly and possibly banging on the wall ?, again and hearing her say she wants me to go to the Chocolate Haus and get her some of her favorite handmade chocolates.
I’m sure I will just get back and I will hear her ringing that dang bell again wanting something special for lunch. But I should get back to the shop for a hour or so before she will want her afternoon ice cream cone from Moonies. (:>).
But this is what marriage is all about , waiting on your wife , giving her unlimited access to the checkbook and a guaranteed full tank of gas in the car each morning when she gets ready to leave. I guess now I see why this marriage has lasted so long and Deb is so happy , Ha, Ha, Ha,
I always try to see the positive in everything and the positive in this is that being so busy waiting on my honey , I don’t have time to eat myself and in turn, she is helping me lose weight , what a Dear she is (:>) Thanks Deb , smooch !
I better GO !, she just threw the damn bell in here on the floor ??
Have a great Monday !!