September 20, 2024

Don and Nicole 25 years ago, and we’re both making a big comeback (:>).

Training Day five – Todays picture shows Nicole and I standing together 25 years ago dressed in our jogging outfits. I used to jog everyday five miles and Nicole and Deb would drive the 4 wheeler to the halfway point and hand me water on the hottest days. Then my sister and I started jogging together and that was a lot of fun . But one night she went jogging alone and never came home. She was killed that night along the road.
I tried a couple times to start running again in her honor , but I never could do it.
Nicole just entered and finished her very first race last weekend and that is what it took for me to want to run again with her.
I have now been running for five days , eating 100% healthy choices and dropping weight fast. (:>).
Nicole wanted me to run with her and Bill in the spring in D.C. , but she called last night and wondered if I would want to give it a try in a 5K this fall . So I said what the heck, lets go for it !
So today I am all fired up and feeling better already.
There is no doubt in my mind the day I line up with Nicole in D.C. on the starting line, it is going to be very emotional, lots of tears , some sad, but moslty glad . Glad that the little girl in this picture did what I never did and that was actually enter a race. She not only entered a race but gave me the push I have been waiting for for 25 years. I have not been this excited to get back in shape in a long time. I sure don’t plan on winning , or even coming in the middle , but I do plan on finishing !! (:>) even if Nicole and Bill have to carry me across the finish line ha,ha,ha.
Thanks again Nicole for being the inspiration I needed to get this old body back in shape again.
Walking 6 miles a day just wasn’t getting it , it’s time to kick it up a knotch, ha,ha. See you in the fall on the starting line (:>).