September 19, 2024

Gaylord Resident Don Campbell starts another one of his works of art in Steel.

Gaylord Artist – Todays picture shows me doing the first preparations to cut out the very first parts for my next one of a kind all steel mini machine. I have recieved several E-mails telling me calling my projects ( models ) doesn’t do justice for what is really involved in each new mini machine.
They tell a (model ) comes in a kit in a box and you just break off the pre-formed pieces and glue them together. They say it takes patience to assemble a model kit , but they tell me what I do is amazing . They tell me to be able to start from two drawings that are around two inches square and design and hand build hundreds of parts from steel into a 150 lb machine that actually moves manually like the real one and is built strong enough to insert motors and really work in the dirt is a special gift.
I guess that is something to think about and I thank those of you who are trying to give me a extra little pat on the back. Thanks very much. But they are just models to me and it is a wonderful hobby that I never get enough of .
I always give God all the glory to think he would give someone like me the gift to do this and share it with thousands of people from 160 countries around the world. Now working towards two million visitors to my webpage .
The biggest reward for me is to share the fact I am a struggling Christian , very much a believer to those same thousands of people from the gift he has given me.
The day will come when all of us will lose everything we have and we won’t be able to stand by a fancy home or a fancy sports car or a fancy boat, etc. We will be standing alone without even wearing fancy clothes wondering what our Heavenly Father has to say to us.
I have a ways to go to feel completely confident about that day , but I know I am on the narrow road and not the wide road. And I know that is a great choice I made several years ago for my journey to eternity. Have a great Monday with the ones you love.