September 20, 2024

Chuck’s DHS Diecast Open House , Don, Chuck and Bob the camera man.

Todays picture shows me standing next to Chuck and Bob at Chuck’s Open house near Cleveland a couple weeks ago. Each year Deb and I load up several large models and deliver them to a toy show that the collectors who ordered them will be attending.
This year it worked out they would all be at Chuck’s . This was the first time I ever met Chuck in person and he was very nice to Deb and I .
We felt very relaxed and he made us feel glad we came ?, until he asked me to get in front of the camera and be part of their annual video that they put together.
Bob is in the picture in the blue shirt and I saw him taking movies of my models as they unloaded them from the trailer .
That camera he had on his shoulder looked bigger than normal but i didn’t think much of it until he hooked up a remote microphone to me and turned on the bright lights and yelled ( ACTION !! ) then I was nervous , really !
It was then I realized this was the real deal !
Bob is not just some flunky guy with a really big camera either , he told Deb and I he has worked with several Presidents , many top named movie stars and covered many personal stories from the Prime News.
I was actually told the microphone I was wearing was at a Obama interview the night before . At first I was real nervous but Chuck talked me through it and I got more relaxed and then I actually started talking too much and I think Bob yelled ( CUT ) two or three times before he could get me to stop talking , ha,ha,ha.
Deb told me afterwards she thought it looked like I was trying to do the moonwalk towards the end of the interview , ha,ha,ha. !
Now that I think back it was all a big blank in my mind and I have no idea what I even said, (:>).
But seriously Deb and I visited with Bob over a hour total and we really liked him too. So I’ll have to say Chuck has a very nice group of friends and staff and we look forward to returning next year. Thanks Chuck and Bob and everyone for a fun time.
Liebherr Truck Progress- Today I got the front grill roughed in and now I am working on the top deck that will support the cab.
WEEK 2 RUNNING – This morning Deb and I were up early getting in our three mile training in . Today out of the 5K course , I ran a total of two miles and walked one mile. So i was pretty pleased with the results already. Deb is for the first time in her life trying to run too. She ran several blocks this morning and I am so proud of her.
We are not planning on her running in D.C. this fall as we need someone on the sidelines cheering us on , ha,ha.
But who knows, maybe in the spring she could be joining us (:>).
Regardless of that, we know the main thing is we are eating 100% healthy again and feeling much better already.
BARBECUE GRILL DIED – Last night as I went to fire up the grill , I felt the top of the grill tilt to the side , so I grabbed on to it and tried to see how strong it was and I broke it off . The pedastal was so rusty underneath it rusted off. This happened once before about five years ago and I fixed it. But this time we are going to splurge and get a new one.
The grill was 30 years old and we are sure going to miss it, (:<)
TRUCK PROBLEMS- My old 1996 GMC truck got a new fuel pump 3000 miles ago and now it is in the shop again with fuel problems.
They put on a new fuel pressure regulator and it still don’t run right , now they are thinking it is a CO2 sensor.
It is still a great old truck with no body rust and just 24,000 one owner miles. So it is well worth investing to get it fixed.
Have a Great Tues.