September 19, 2024

Liebherr Mining Truck dump box constrution progress, front spillguard.

Liebherr Mining Truck Spillguard- Todays picture shows me having the dump box now welded together and working on the front spillguard. You can see the box is raised but when lowered it rests just above the cab roof. I am now working on the rear bottom of the box designing the bottom box frame and the pivot hinges for the box to dump. Tomorrow I will start the long process of cutting out and bending the dozens of Channel beams that give strength to the box on the underside of the spillguard and the underside of the box. Also the two outside panels get channel shaped supports too.
TWENTY-TWO DAYS OF RUNNING – Today was 22 days now of Deb and I running / walking every morning. I have lost 13 lbs. so far and I got to still lose over 20 more lbs. It is still not easy yet running but i feel my knees and legs are getting stronger every few days.
I still have several more weeks to train before race day in D.C.
Deb is running too but shorter distances at a time. I am very proud of her. We are so lucky we can do this together and help each other stay focused.
Deb is back watching kids today after a 10 days break. They are really nice kids she watches.
BBQ Ribs for supper , yum ! I can only have two of them, (:<) but that is fine , it is all worth it to feel good and look good again, ha,ha.
Have a great Tues.