September 20, 2024

Liebherr T-282B Front Suspension being built by Otsego Co. Model Builder Don Campbell.

Liebherr Suspension – Todays picture shows me working under the cab on the suspension. Even though it is far from perfect, I still like putting hoses and electric boxes and such to make it look more realistic. I hope to get both sides done by tonight. Next I will work on the rear axle and rear suspension.
BRETT FAVRE – Well, it looks like Deb and I will get to see Brett Favre play a few more games of football after all.
Just three weeks ago he said he was done. But tonight he is playing again. (:>)
Cash for Clunkers ?- I heard that they figure about half of the cash for clunkers deals will probably end up in reposessions . They said people weren’t driving junkers for nothing, that’s all they can afford. Now they all got $400.00 a month car payments for the next 6 years. And they also said that the majority of cars being sold are foriegn cars, very strange, ya just got to shake your head that the goverenment had to get a two billion dollar loan to even do it.
THE GOOD NEWS – The good news is Deb and I were up running this morning in the rain and we are really enjoying it. It is a little rough on our legs and knees some mornings , but it’s all a mind thing. Just so we don’t overdo it, because when you get our age we got plenty of aches and pains just laying on the couch , ha,ha.
I have now lost 13 lbs. , and I am very happy about that.
I have moved from the (obese) section in my closet to the ( just fat)
section. I hope to get to the ( pleasingly plump) section in one more week. (:>). A week after that I hope to be to the ( chubby ) section . Go ME !! (:>).
The best thing is Deb and I are doing this together , she is now running beside me for short distances for the last two mornings and that is very cool ! She is really giving it her all seeing that she has never jogged in her whole life before this.
SEEMS LIKE FRIDAY – Deb is working today , but then she has the next four days off . This has been her most relaxing summer in the 37 years we been married and I am very happy to see her not working so hard. She has paid her dues (:>).
BBQ Ribs- Tonight for supper we are having BBQ ribs, garlic buttered smashed potatos , fresh corn on the cob with real butter and for dessert Key Lime cake with a crushed Macadamia Nut Carmel mixture drizzled on top with just two quick shakes of powered sugar to top it off .
But we only get one rib, 1/4 cup of smashed potatos, one half a ear of corn with real butter and we only get one spoonful of the cake.
Our coach is pretty tough on us when it comes to portion size, she says we can have anything we want , but only getting a spoonful is kinda like torture, ha,ha. But it is all going to be well worth it when we both get back to weighing 100 lbs. (:>).
Have a great Thurs.